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Animal Blogging - Days 1 and 2

Day 0

Checking in at the airport I was greeted by, Timmy and Tommy. Answering a few questions - Even which of their islands (How many does Nook Inc own?), the package would be to. The last one was a little terrifying under the circumstances, what one thing I'd take to a deserted island, but they clarified that it was just a hypothetical after I answered it. Upon arrival, I met Agnes, a pig, and Sheldon, a squirrel and had an orientation session with Tom Nook where we set up our tents and then had a fireside party with freshly squeezed pear juice. Pears! Ah well, it figures I'd wind up stuck on an island with the one fruit I didn't want. Still, we named the island - Not Swoleville as Sheldon suggested, but my idea of Vulpes won the vote instead.

Day 1 - March 20th

I was woken up the morning after the party by Tom Nook, presenting me with a smartphone that's somehow able to receive signal all the way out here and an itemized bill for just shy of 50k bells - He apparently figured that I wouldn't be able to afford such a bill so arranged to let me pay it in Nook Miles, which I seem to be getting for pretty much anything and everything I do. 5000 miles seemed a daunting amount at first, but they were surprisingly quick and easy to earn, and... I may have arranged a loan of almost 100k bells to pay for construction of a house already? I was expecting to be in a tent for a wee while longer than this.

Aside from paying off my airfare and buying a house, I also collected a few bugs and fish - Tom Nook sent a few of them to someone called Blathers, he's decided to set up a tent to research the fauna of the island, I think Tom Nook mentioned something about maybe he'd open a museum here if the fauna prooves interesting enough? That might be cool, though it's a pretty small population to need a museum. Crafted a little bit of furniture as well as some basic tools, including the stone stool I'm sat on in this photo, looking out across the river just by what is, for now, my tent but apparently will be my house by tomorrow, although I framed the shot so you couldn't see the tent. Also picked up a cardboard box from the recycling box so I could use it as an improvised table in the tent.

Day 2 - March 21st

Had quite an eventful day today. The house is lovely, a small one-room bungalow with much more room than the tent, and I'm able to hang things on the walls now. Also, I have storage, which is handy. The chap in the photo is called Gulliver, he washed ashore. He's fine. Well, sort of. A bit of a strange fellow. Fell overboard from his ship and washed ashore, which... Apparently, happens regularly to him? As I say, strange fellow. I helped him find his 'communicator' (looked like a smartphone to me - Still not sure how we're getting signal out here, come to think of it). Given how long his message was left read but not replied to, I'm not sure his shipmates are in any hurry to rescue him, but he's sure they will, so I don't think he'll be sticking around.

Blathers was indeed looking to set up a museum, and while 15 additional donations on top of the five things Tom Nook sent to him yesterday sounded like a lot, I was able to donate that amount in just one day - Granted, he helped by giving me the recipe for a shovel, vaulting pole, allowing me to access more of the island by vaulting over rivers, where there were four fossils in various corners. He gives cool info on the stuff I donate to the museum, too, though he often gets a little distracted while doing so and comes out with some downright odd statements. He also doesn't seem to be a fan of bugs. The only minor issue is that he can't accept donations between getting the permit to set up the museum until the museum is finished, and won't be around tomorrow while construction is ongoing. This means that the house is now cluttered with fish and bugs which I'm looking forward to rehoming in the museum when it opens, in part because I'm not convinced these tanks are exactly large enough for them. Well. Maybe for the snail.

Timmy and Tommy are planning on setting up a shop, but need materials donating to do so. Was able to get enough wood for them today, but iron is a bit rarer to come by, so not sure when I'll be able to finish that off. Oh! Also took a complimentary tour to another island, I can go on them in future with Nook Miles - there was a really wide waterfall there which was cool and I brought back coconuts. Started setting up a picnic area on the beach - around where Gulliver washed up, actually, and have planted two of them to frame it with a couple of palm trees.

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